Probio7 in Patient.Info
What are friendly bacteria, and should I be taking them? The popularity of friendly bacteria supplements has dramatically increased over the last 10 years, with new research emerging every day! But how do you know if they are right for you? Our nutritionist, Rebecca Traylen, helped unpick what friendly bacteri...

Probio7 in The Mirror
Our ‘Probio7 Advanced’ is featured in The Mirror. We were really excited when Probio7 was featured in The Mirror to help those suffering from leaky gut syndrome. Inside our gut we have an intestinal epithelial lining that forms a tight barrier. This barrier can control what substances enter the blood stream. W...

Probio7 Metro Feature
At Probio7 we are committed to the health and wellbeing of parents and their children. This is why we carried out a study to determine what the biggest concerns faced by new parents are and we are excited to announce that the results were featured in The Metro! The survey found that parents experience a wide ...

Probio7 Immune+ Launched
Early in 2020, we launched Probio7 Immune+, our first product specifically formulated to support your immune system. Since then, it has been featured in several national newspaper including, the Daily Express, the Daily Mirror and The Sun. Probio7 Immune+ contains 30 capsules of friendly bacteria and 30 capsul...