Supporting your child’s gut microbiome and immune health
We hear so much about the importance of looking after our gut microbiome as adults and as we age, but we rarely discuss the importance of supporting our children’s gut health.

What are the common digestive issues in children
Children can experience a wide range of digestive problems from vomiting and diarrhoea to complaining about constipation and stomach pain. When your child is experiencing tummy troubles, it is important to try and identify the cause behind it.

Your child and their immune system
70% of the immune system is found in the digestive tract! This means the bacteria – both friendly and bad – in the gut can influence the immune system(1). When working properly, the immune system is designed to fight disease and keep bacteria and viruses at bay. Whilst exposure to bugs and germs in everyday li...

Back to School
Going back to school can leave your children feeling anxious and stressed, which may lead to digestive problems. Here are some tips to avoid those first-day disasters.