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Browse our selection of high quality friendly bacteria supplements.

Probio7 50 Plus
A complete supplement for those over 50 containing friendly bacteria, vitamins and minerals, plant extracts and fish oils.

Probio7 Advanced
Our best-selling supplement suitable for those looking for daily support to supplement their gut microbiome with good bacteria.

Probio7 Advanced 30 Capsules
Perfect for those looking for daily support to supplement their gut microbiome with good bacteria.

Probio7 Advanced 60 Capsules
Perfect for those looking for daily support to supplement their gut microbiome with good bacteria.

Probio7 Boulardii Max - Travelling
A high-strength Saccharomyces boulardii supplement for extra support.

Probio7 Happy Gut Bacteria Sachet Refill
One month's supply of Probio7 Happy Gut bacteria sachet. Buy as a one time purchase or save 20% when you subscribe!

Probio7 Original
For those looking for a daily number of friendly bacteria, similar to a live yogurt.

Probio7 Original 100 Capsules
Perfect for those looking for a daily number of friendly bacteria, similar to a live yogurt.

Probio7 Original 40 Capsules
Perfect for those looking for a daily number of friendly bacteria, similar to a live yogurt.

Probio7 Professionals AB21
Clinically formulated to support the gut-lung axis. Complemented with vitamin D3 to support immune health.

Probio7 Restore
Formulated specifically for those on antibiotics, to reboot and replenish their gut microbiome.

Probio7 Ultra
For those looking for an extra boost to replenish their gut microbiome with good bacteria.
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